Get in Touch

We're happy to help with any enquiries or questions you may have – our general enquiries phone number will point you in the right direction, or choose from one of our dedicated support services.

Member of staff sitting on the phone

  • T: +44 (0) 1473 338833 

For enquiries relating to your application, please contact the Admissions Team:

If you have submitted an application but your enquiry is related to another topic i.e Student Accommodation or Student Finance:


  • Switchboard
    T: +44 (0) 1473 338000

All requests should be made through completion of the . Alternatively you can email a request to datagovernance@uos.ac.uk.

T: 01473 338000

Alumni website

Alumni Relations: Alumni@uos.ac.uk

Fundraising: Giving@uos.ac.uk




Our Staff

Visit our staff directory to find out more about our academic and professional services staff.

A lecturer pointing at work on a wall

Our University